Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What is a good tip for a hair stylist? I have long hair and got highlights and it cost $128.?

What's the right amount of tip to give?What is a good tip for a hair stylist? I have long hair and got highlights and it cost $128.?
15%, for the hairdresser.

$2 to $5, for the shampoo person.

And, it is acceptable to tip your hairdresser if he/she is the owner.

Looks like you got a good deal on the price.

Standard price in our community is $150+, for a cap highlight, $175+, for a cap highlight with a toner, on hair below the shoulders.

Foils start at $150+, depending on the number of foils.

And, the hair cut is extra.

What is a good tip for a hair stylist? I have long hair and got highlights and it cost $128.?
im a hair dresser and i get like tips from $5-$30

unless the person who is doing your hair owns the place id doing you hair you dnt realy have to give them a tip.

and if there not the owner you dnt want to go over $30 cos the boss gets a bit funny trust me my boss put up a tip jar and said that he spread it evenly over us but he kept it all.

i'd say just always round it off to $130 and just say keep the change or give them a $20 tip so it rounds it to $150. i think thats the way to go.

It just depends on how well they cut and dyed my hair. If they done a good job, $15-20. If its okay $5-10 and if bad, NONE.

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