Saturday, August 21, 2010

My hair stylist comes 30 minutes late to the appoinments I make everytime. Is it me or her?

I feel like she's just being late because it's me and she's been doing my hair for 5+years. She's a little older, maybe late fifties... am I doing something wrong? I make the appointment at 10AM and it has never failed yet, she's come 30minutes late to every appointment.My hair stylist comes 30 minutes late to the appoinments I make everytime. Is it me or her?
Her age has nothing to do with it. If she wants your business, then she should be on time.

Dump her in a way that she will know she is being dumped. Be strong and don't go back. (Sounds a little like I'm giving advice to a girl with a bad boyfriend.)My hair stylist comes 30 minutes late to the appoinments I make everytime. Is it me or her?
switch hair stylists. she isn't respecting your time and that's rude.
Talk to her privately and explain how you feel. Tell her your time is very important to you and you would really appreciate her being on time. Have her pick your next appointment time and if she continues to be late wish her well and go on your way. I've been in this business many years and there is no excuse for any person to do that stylist or customer. It is no one Else's business in the shop, just be honest and respectful.You never know what is going on in someone's life behind closed doors.

Good Luck
Does she come to your home? I am a hairdresser and its so important to be on time. I get nervous if I'm not and I feel when people aren't on time they are telling me I'm not worth it to be on time for. It is rude when it is consistent. Call to see if she is on time or tell her that you are always behind when she doesn't show up on time for your next errand...etc...
That is a very disrespectful act on your hairdressers part. You are doing nothing wrong. Change hairdressers.
stop tipping her and tell her why , she'll either start showing up on time or you will get a new hair stylist that shows up on time
I would be honest with her, just ask her if it would work out better if you didn't come until 10:30 am since it seems that is when she comes in. You could also call and ask if she is running late, but I don't think that would work very well with a 10 am appointment. You could also make your appointment at 10:30 am once and see what happens. You always run the risk of someone making a 10 am one. I still think your best bet is to ask her about it. Good luck!
Yeah, sounds like she has a severe superiority complex.

That is disrespectful and rude.

She is in the career choice of providing customer service and obviously she isn't doing her job. She is supposed to be there for about you don't show up on time and see what happens. I bet she'll have her panties in a twist. Explain to her how it makes you feel when she does it to you. If she keeps doing it, drop her.
She has a bad work ethic, or you need to start scheduling your appointments at 10:30

If she continues to show up late then she must like to push your buttons

Have a great day
Tell the old hag to straighten up or she'll lose a valuable client.
She is showing bad business manners to be late. You're doing nothing wrong. I'm guessing you don't want to change stylists since you've been her client for five years. Next time she's late just say, ';Did I have the appointment time wrong? I thought it was supposed to be at 10:00. Did you make it for 10:30?'; This sounds a lot nicer than griping at her for being late, but she'll get the hint.
She thinks that 10 am is 10 30 am. Maybe her first appointments are late and she can't make up the time. Or maybe she doesn't like you.
Well, if she always comes late and she does'nt show up at 10 go to another salons if she only shows up at 10:30.
Why are you still going to the same hairdresser?? There are so many great stylists out there. Find yourself a new one. Man, this is so disrespectful!
yeah what the first girl said

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