Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Psychics: The hair stylist ruined my hair(cut it too short), will people notice it tomorrow and think it's bad?

I usually have a very 50's rocker style hair, like Ricky Nelson in his teens. Anyway, I decided to give the new hairstylist at the salon a chance and she cut it too darn short!!!

Will people notice it, have an opinion, or not notice at all? Psychics: The hair stylist ruined my hair(cut it too short), will people notice it tomorrow and think it's bad?
I am sensing that there will be people that will notice. I am getting the letter S - do you know anyone with a name that starts with S, or with an S in it or that knows someone with an S in their name. If so that person may notice but may or may not say anything to you.Psychics: The hair stylist ruined my hair(cut it too short), will people notice it tomorrow and think it's bad?
Whether people will notice your short hair obviously depends primarily on your astrological sign. It also depends on the sun sign of the people who see you. Knowing the moon sign of the people who see you would also help, but to a lesser degree.

How clearly people can see you will also affect whether they will notice your new haircut. So we must consider how much sunlight there will be during the day, and how brightly you can see the moon at night. The brightness of the moon depends on whether there is a full moon, new moon, etc. The phase of the moon depends on the relative position of the earth, moon and sun.

In a nutshell, the physical and spiritual laws of the entire universe will be the determining factors in whether people will notice your new hairstyle.

Without knowledge of your astrological sign, I have had to rely on my tarot deck and the I Ching. Wait a while as I do the psychic reading.

Will people notice your new hairstyle?

No. No one will give a crap.
LMAO @ psychic for the past 3 minutes.

that sounds funny. If you honestly tried then perhaps there is some truth to your prediction. I wouldn't doubt it ;)

As for the question, it's quite silly to think that no one will notice or that someone isn't going to think it looks bad. So many minds so many thoughts. Someone is bound to love it while another will hate it.

Be comfortable with it and know that it will still grow up. Blessings and congratulations on your hair cut.

Does it really take a physic to tell you that someone will notice you got your hair cut? Of course people will notice. Some will like it, some will not. In the end it does not really matter anyway because you can always let it grow back out.
Some might if they know you or seen you around.

Everyone has an opinion, and there's probably a lot of very unaware people around.
Stop looking to psychics to answer your questions. It will do you no good whatsoever.
You care about it more than anyone else will.
People will notice it and be amazed. They will think you very

much ahead of the fashion trend. enjoy!
my phychic said get a bee hive you know its just as pretty as it sounds.
show us a before and after pic to see ;)

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