Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I would like to have a hair stylist fired, how can I accomplish that?

this hair stylist is renting a chair from the owner, I was thinking of making an appt. with the owner stylist and telling him the story.

Or just a phone call will do?I would like to have a hair stylist fired, how can I accomplish that?
why? It is not for you to decide if they lose their spot. If you don't like your cut, see someone else.I would like to have a hair stylist fired, how can I accomplish that?
Bad experience? A phone call to the owner will probably be sufficient. As far as firing the stylist, that is ultimately the owner's decision. The most you can do is not go there anymore, encourage your friends to do the same, and inform the owner of your intentions. You might also be able to complain to a local consumer group, such as the Better Business Bureau or similar.
Bet she still works there in 10 yrs.
Vote with your feet...

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