You need a special license for either job so that isn't really an issue. You really have to think about the exact tasks you have to do at either job and decide what tasks you would prefer to do.What is a better job driving a school bus or Hair Stylist?
It isn't easy driving a hair stylist :-). You must go to school and be licensed to be a stylist, but you usually can always find a job and it can be very profitable if you are good and develop a following.What is a better job driving a school bus or Hair Stylist?
dont listen to the girl jamie she gave e the same site. she start new accounts all the time and is pasting her message to any financial question that out there. I am telling you because I dont like people that prey on people when they are looking for help.
Depends which you like best, which pays best and what's more important to you. Money or being happy with your job. Weigh your pros and cons, good luck.
Driving a bus is more money.
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